dinsdag 18 december 2007

En de prijs voor "stating the bloody obvious" gaat naar...

the BBC's Vicky Ntetma in Dar es Salaam:

Tanzania's Albino Society has accused the government of turning a blind eye to the killing of albinos, after four deaths in the past three months.
An albino spokesman said there was a belief that the condition was the result of a curse put on the family.

Some witch-doctors also say they can use albino body parts in a potion to make people rich.

A teacher in the northern town of Arusha has been arrested for killing his own child, who was albino.

As well as the four killings, the body of an albino has also been exhumed. It was found with its limbs cut off.

The BBC's Vicky Ntetma in Dar es Salaam says there is now fear in the albino community there.

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